Gearing Up for the Season!
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- By AJ Goff
- Posted in 815, bicycle, bike shop, builds, custom, illinois, local, repairs, rockford, spring, tune-up

Spring is right around the corner, and we don't know about you, but we're ready! We've been wrenching away on early-bird tune-ups and repairs from this winter season for the past couple months, but we can't wait for busy season to start!
Spring is right around the corner, and we don't know about you, but we're ready! We've been wrenching away on early-bird tune-ups and repairs from this winter season for the past couple months, but we can't wait for busy season to start! Usually after the first nice day, everyone's dropping by for their spring tune-up and then we're backed up for a couple weeks so we always urge you to come in earlier than you think you should to get the best turnaround time on your tune-up! Just a quick tip for those of you who are impatient to get back out there, like me! Stop in Tuesday-Saturday, 10-5PM to drop off your spring tune-up, only $99!
Speaking of spring, BMX season is starting, as well as all of the summer bike events! Which ones are you most looking forward to? We've recently heard about the GFNY race that's going to be coming to Rockford! GFNY is an international bike marathon held in partnership with the Venetian Club in Winnebago County. This is a huge event that will likely draw a large crowd from the surrounding regions, so don't miss out! If youre an avid cyclist, this is the event of the year, taking place on August 7, 2022! Check out for more information on how to register for this event! If you know of any other cool biking events happening in the stateline area, or are planing to be out at GFNY, let us know in the comments below!